Please Donate

1. Payment by credit card:

When you call Mr. Kurzban to make a donation (+1-305-444-0060), please have your credit card in front of you. You will be asked the following questions:

-your full name
-your address
-your credit card number (16 numbers on the front of your card)
-the expiration date of your credit card
-the 3-digits security number at the back of your card (there are 7 numbers behind your card, the 3 last ones.
-Your phone
-Your email address.

Speak slowly and clearly.

2. By Western Union:

-Send the Western Union transfer to Mr. Ira Kurzban with the address and phone number of his firm
(see website:

 Kurzban Kurzban Weinger Tetzeli & Pratt P.A.
Plaza 2650
2650 SW 27th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Miami, Florida 33133-3003
(305) 444-0060
(305) 444-3503

-After you sent your Western Union transfer, send an email to his accountant: Ms. Plaza at:

The email should include: the receipt number, your full name, your full address, your phone number, and the date you sent the transfer.

Note: When you pay, Please send us an email to with your name, the date of payment and how much you have paid.