Friday, May 4, 2012


Hello Armande, Please see the attachment for our reply brief filed today. Best wishes, Chris

Click here for CRB


  1. Dear Mr. Kurzban and his team: From all of us affected by this appeal, I want to thank you so much for the quality of your work and the high standards you are setting on our behalf.

    I also want to thanks all those who are supportive and who have been contributing some money to keep this appeal going.

    I am asking people again to contribute whatever they can. It not fair that Mr. Kurzban is working so hard for us and we are not supporting him and his team sufficiently. Too many of you are unfairly waiting for others to donate for you and keep this appeal going.

    1. hi mr. armande

      i am from Egypt yesterday woman of my Village make a check for dv 2013 to know her result . she enter her conformation number she found that she was selected but the surprise it is not her name but a name of man from Ankara ,turkey i want tell you that to know there is a problem in the sit for this year also pleas tell mr. Kurzban that if it can help him in 11 may
      god belss all of you

  2. I want to thank everybody who was with us for the last couple months.
    Thanks for every dollar that has been contributed! Some of you paid much and some just a little but the most imporatant thing is that you did not give up and tried to fight and gave this case a chance.

    For those who did not pay yet: We really need every contribution. Please look at all the documents and files that had been written by Mr.Kurzban and just think about how much work this must have been. Please contribute as much as you can!

    Thank you Mr.Kurzban for your work. You can´t imagine how much this means to us.
    Now we will wait and see if our dream finally comes true.

    Greetings from Germany,

  3. I agree with Armande and Ania. I also want to tell Mr. Kurzban: you are our hero. You and your team are the best that could happen to us.

    We cannot just be passive and watch other doing all this for us. Even though I did not give much, I gave what I could because I am a responsible person. I hope you are the same and you have a conscience.

  4. Thanks Mr. Kurzban All my respect to you !

  5. Hello Jocker , I wrote the comment about God that you metioned God lap la and sweet words. I am not offended at all but to let you know that I have contributed before and I will still contribute next week but the way you said it is not the way to keep a group united. We cant leave God out of this . HE will touch the mind of the judges to rule in our favour AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I wasn't targeting you at all, and I was saying this to let others know that "sell us money and not bill of goods". Anyway we all pray to God to get what we want.

  6. Thank you for whatever the result May 11, 2012

  7. Mr. Kurzban, Armande and every single one of you, who's involved in this case by means of donating, supporting or else - thank YOU very much indeed! You give people hope. You give us a chance that's been taken away by DoS. As for myself, I can see Mr.Kurzban winning the case on the 11th of May. I know he's not going to the Court in person but what he's managed to do is more than enough to achieve our goal!

    Please, everyone who's been affected by this case but hasn't contributed yet - donate whatever you can spare. Wether it's 10 dollars or 20 - it doesn't matter! What matters is that you show your support for the Lawyer just like Mr.Kurzban has shown his devotion to our case!

    Kind regards,

    Siarhei Baidak (Belarus)

    1. Thanks Siarhei so muc for being there with us in this battle for our rights.

  8. Thank you Mr. kurzban and your team, all of your hard work!!!

  9. Not having any training in law, I was never really interested in reading lawyers' briefs but with each brief that I read by Mr. Kurzban, I found it not just very interesting and stimulating to read but I could also discern that it was far superior in quality and content to the DOS briefs. That is why I am convinced that we will win. That is why also Mr. Kurzban deserves a donation from each victim affected by this case.


  10. Mr. Kurzban, Chris and Armande and other admins, we are all behind you. I really appreciate your wonderful work, knowledge, experience. I will never forget you.

    I gave what I could but I know it is not enough in compensation for your time, work and everything that Armande say you pay out of pocket for us. I hope to come to US and pay you real dollars.

    Much Appreciation from France.

  11. I Can't Never Forget That Name Mr. Kurzban Until My Last Day Of My Life . He Was A Jealous Man For Our Rights God Bless Your Efforts .
    Remon Ezzat

  12. Mr Kurzban, what else can I say? May the God I serve reward you a billion fold for what you have and will yet do for us! We owe you everything no matter what happens on the 11th! You have won the case for us by agreeing to represent us on our rights!

    Thank you so much again and again sir. Thank you Armande for your relentess pursuit, thank you the entire team working with Armande!


    1. Thank you Mr kursban and thanks to all your team,thanks to Armande and to all who have participate by much or little in this case,it is now the last push,please contribute.....Good luck to us

  13. Mr.Kurzban, words cannot express my thanks!
    You are a blessing!

    i remember the inception of this appeal.
    it was something no one was willing to take on, but
    you courageosly agreed to.

    May God bless you and your children's children!

    for the 22,000 victims, i say, let us
    donate more and trust God!

    He is the judge.

    (Psalm 75:7...But it is God who judges:
    He brings one down, he exalts another )

    He is a miracle worker. Let us believe Him.

    Proverbs 21:1 (The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord;
    he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.)

    we are victors!

  14. Mr. Kurzban

    whatever was the decision on 11th may I would like to thank you for your efforts, you are a great man because you fought for us.....

  15. thanks alot Mr. Kurzban , u really fight for the sake of justice and we r really honored by u being our lawyer , we will win this case inchallah , for all 22000 plz support our case by donating and praying :)

  16. Thank you very Much Mr.Kurzban , you are such a great person ... I was hating lawyers before i saw your efficiency and kindness in your work , now i am interested and believe in the law matters because of you ..... May God bless you , you have done all what you're offered to do to us .... And whatever was the result i will be surely satisfied ....... I'd like to thanks Armandy too and all the other admins for their effort and time helping us ......... Greetings from Egypt :)

  17. Mr.Kurzban, words cannot express my thanks!
    Also i want to thank everybody who was contributing for the last couple months.

    For those who did not pay yet: I can feel you, maybe you're trying to recover your destroyed life; maybe you lost your hope for a while... don't give up... impossible is nothing, God willing our lottery is coming back. watch this:

    Friday, May 11, 2012 9:30 A.M. USCA Courtroom - Judges Garland, Brown, Griffith


    Ilya Smirnov v. Hillary Clinton

    15 minutes per side

    look at all the documents and files that had been written by Mr.Kurzban. Please contribute as much as you can... if you can.

    Kind regards
    Mina M. Michael

  18. I sent another $100 yesterday.

    I have contributed $2,000 in total.

    Thank you for your great and continuous work (from Sep. 29, 2011) Mr. KURZBAN and our administrators.

    I believe we win.

  19. Hand crossed as we wait for a milestone...thanks to our lawyer

  20. Thank you Mr. KURZBAN for your good job. GOD is on our side. Continue to donate and pray God.

  21. GOD bless you M.Kurzban and your Family ! thank you !
